About the Ski Art Paintings

Ski Prints and Ski Paintings
Pete’s ski art paintings were recently featured in his favourite Ski Magazine from the USA with his paintings on the front page and an 8 page centre feature.
One of the best places to see Pete’s Art and get up close capture the atmosphere and feel the textures is on Pete’s YouTube Channel where he gets up close to his ski art.  

Pete Caswell’s Alpine Paintings

“When I paint the ski art paintings, for me it is like a holiday where I am immersed in the bliss of Alpine sun, snow and wonderful sparkling light…….skiing again”

Many clients comment how much they appreciate the ski paintings of their favourite resorts in the Alps and so often I manage to squeeze them and their pals or lovers into the painting speeding off down the piste. The paintings make them feel like they are skiing again.

Ski Art Paintings on a fresh powder morning in carnage
Ski Art Paintings on a fresh powder morning in carnage

Excitement of Snow Bliss

The ski art paintings are packed with energy. This energy is infused into the canvas and so I hope you can pick it up to with my many different techniques and bold bright colours to capture the all pervading high octane energy which seems to turn even the most placid of us into crazy lunatics hurtling down the pistes and off jumps we wouldn’t dare attempt in our normal lives.

Ski Art Paintings Black & White
Ski Art Paintings Black & White

A commitment to Fun & Exhilaration

One of my favourite places to paint is the Alps, but not just the Alps, more skiing and snowboarding in the Alps. The light, the soft snow, the high peaks, the rhythmic movement of the board and skis on the snow oscillating from side to side, the exhilaration, the excitement, the danger. They all help to lift us from our mundane work lives back home and propel us into excitement, fun and laughter with some much needed exercise. And if that doesn’t work, then there is always the apres ski tipple in the bar to nudge us over the edge.

Ski Art Paintings in a more sophisticated style for once
Ski Art Paintings in a more sophisticated style for once

Dazzling Light

“I construct the ski art paintings so that they work on your emotions. The colours work hard to bring the dazzling light of the snowy mountains to your eyes. Many of the paintings are semi abstract and in this way your brain can put them together in many ways which makes for an ever changing scene. When your brain puts the image together it hits on some of your experiences you had in the snow. As the brain pulls the image together it triggers these subtle feelings which are linked in the subconscious and brings them back into the conscious for you to experience again. That’s why a painting will always feel better than a photograph because you have to put it together in your head yourself and this triggers all those personal amazing feelings of joy and bliss you last experienced on the piste.

Ski Art I love.”

Ski Art Paintings a beautiful scene
Ski Art Paintings a beautiful scene