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Large Oil Paintings For Sale Packed and Shipped in Europe for Free

Large Oil Paintings For Sale Packed and Shipped in Europe for Free
Ever wondered what happens after you click the buy button on the very large oil painting for sale that you want to buy. Well that’s when all the fun starts. The bigger the painting the more work we have. It takes a lot of work to wrap these up and try our best to get the paintings to you in one piece. Foam edges, several layers of bubble wrap and then 2 layers of card for the large paintings.
We often end up making a ply case for the very large oil paintings so they stand the best chance of reaching you in pristine condition. It can be very exciting to receive one of our paintings in it’s ply case, packed and sent by air mail right to your door quite often by free next day shipping within most of Europe.
See below for how your painting might look by the time it leaves us in the delivery van. First is a very large 1.5m x 1.00m ply backed colourful framed oil painting. The next one was a very special order of a colourful sunset oil painting 1.0m x 0.8m deep canvas which was packed in one of our ply cases and air mailed direct to Monaco to a very happy customer. Enjoy looking at all the paintings on the site.
If you don’t like the painting for any reason when you receive it then just send it back and we will refund the cost of the painting less the shipping no problem. We also insure all the paintings, so if it get damaged in the post we will have it collected and issue a refund.
Visiting the web site is probably one of the best ways to buy a painting as you can really get a feel for the paintings if you browse through all the sections on the site. Take a look at pete’s facebook account as well to see another side of Pete’s work and paintings.

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