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Naked Ladies Paintings For Sale
Naked Ladies

Naked ladies paintings are a one apart from the rest of my painting series. There are so many reasons for this and it works on so many levels. But for all my reasons you can’t get away from the fact that the paintings are just straightforward sexy. Shapes and curves of naked ladies are unforgettable, unmistakable and deeply embedded in the mind from as far back as history goes. These shapes and forms are fundamental to human survival just like the air we breathe.
I love painting the naked ladies paintings because the form is so simple and flowing that it really frees up the canvas to explore some deep and luscious colours and textures. Within the canvas I take the naked ladies as the form within which I can fit a beautiful and elegant abstract colour combination. In some of the paintings the naked form can be hidden within this elegant display and in others the form is most obvious and shapely.
Many interior designers commission some of the more abstract naked ladies paintings to

grace the walls of many elegant historic houses. It is the deep reads in the paintings that many designers seek, to match the colour scheme in traditionally decorated house of such deeply coloured walls. These paintings add a real richness and depth of colour to the wall and their semi abstract nature adds a tasteful and interesting focus point to the wall which will always be a talking point when your guests really work out what they are looking at. These luscious deep red paintings also make a great painting to brighten any boudoir.
This series of naked lady paintings is all about Basques, stockings and suspenders. The paintings are all about shape, suspense and intrigue. Suspenders and stockings accentuate the natural curves of the female body, the straight lines work well against the natural flowing curves of the body. The lingerie and Basques provide an exciting element of suspense concealing the body from full view. In its natural form the body can be quite

gentle and delicate but the partial concealment of the form changes all of this into another arena. These simple shape forms provoke such intense feelings and this is replicated in the paint and texture of the paintings. Deep colours of crimson red, magenta, purple and hot blues all make for a powerful painting full of life and depth. I have to admit these are my favourite paintings to paint as they are such a challenge. Simple flowing shapes unlike a complicated landscape which leaves the brush free to concentrate on the colours and textures of the paintings to create the evocative form emerging from a sea of colour.
Take a look at the naked ladies paintings for sale on the site.
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