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New Large Sunset Painting For Sale
New Large Sunset Painting For Sale
As One Paintings gets shipped out so another is just about ready. The large sunset painting on the wall of the studio is all complete and framed up ready for everyone to have a look at it. It is 1.5m wide by 1.0m high and framed with a high quality just off white block frame. Its about the same size as the one in the box ready to ship which you can see in the photo. The price of £750 includes shipping in the UK and parts of Europe and the frame. If you are interested in commissioning a large painting email Pete. This painting has been specially created to give you a bright and happy feeling with the sun and light drawing you into the centre of the painting, using a combination of colour and light to give you an uplifting effect.
This sunset painting is based on a West coast sunset from North Devon UK near the studio. The studio is very near to the ocean which lends a big influence to the paintings. Every day I cycle into the rising sun in the morning and the setting sun on the headland on the way to the studio to paint. This constant exposure to the sunsets and sun rises over the ocean lends itself beautifully to these large sunset oil paintings.
I use bold colour to its utmost to fill the paintings with a sense of joy and light. Combinations of bright colours in their pure form create vibrant memorable images. Pinks turquoises, blues and yellows work to construct an impression of the scene which captures not just the visual but much of the joy, energy and feelings to captivate the viewer. These large paintings are becoming a popular choice for collectors of art and paintings around the world.

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