Snowboarding Mugs Boarder Mugs

Snowboarding mugs Boarder mug

Snowboarding mugs by Pete Caswell styled with some of his exotic snowboard characters from his famous snowboard paintings.

Snowboarding Mugs Boarder Mug by Pete Caswell
Snowboarding Mugs Boarder Mug by Pete Caswell

Pete has had so much fun designing these Snowboarding Mugs using some of the best and atmospheric sections of his highly coloured and textured snowboarding paintings.

You can see the Snowboarding Mugs on the International Snowboarding Mugs site which will ship them anywhere in the world. The mugs use Pete Caswell’s famous ski and snowboard paintings and most are tiny sections from each painting to really get you in deep to the atmosphere, the texture, colours and amazing depth of each painting. You really feel like you are there in the snow even in mid summer.

snowboarder mug snowboarding mugs
snowboarder mug snowboarding mugs

You can also see Pete Ski Mugs on the same site and this has more of the larger scenes of skiing and snowboarding. The Ski Mugs site has both skiers and boarders but the Boarders mug site is just for Snowboarding exclusively.

UK shipped Snowboarder and Ski Mugs If you live in the UK Pete has produced a Small Set of Snowboarder & Ski mugs from a UK manufacturer which ship quicker. Free UK shipping only. These are only for UK shipping.

snowboarder mug boarder mugs
snowboarder mug boarder mugs