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Paintings of Summer’s End
The summer is drawing to an end and the crowds are heading home and North Devon takes a relaxing deep breath as quieter times lie ahead. You can take a beautiful relaxing autumn break in our Gallery Lodges and admire some of the paintings in the Flesh. We have some dates still available in October and November.

Check out the Lodges and some of the amazing food on offer in North Devon. My tip is to bring a bike and take in some of the amazing bike rides in the area. Mountain bikes are ideal as you can include some beach rides (with a swim at the end), but there are also some great road circuits.
It’s a real treat to see the paintings in front of you in the Lodges and in the Art studio and take in all that amazing vibrant colour.

My attention is now starting to turn to the ski season which is now within sight. But before then I will be treating you to some of this seasons favourite Sunsets, Surfing and Sailing paintings.
We have had a super summer with lots of surfing and lazing. Cycle rides through the dunes to take a swim at the near deserted end of Saunton beach have been a real favourite. Its not too late for a swim, with the water staying beautiful and warm for another couple of Months.

Paintings for Sale
Prints for Sale to make a great gift.
The main Art Studio will start changing the display to the Ski Art in October while the Lodges will keep hold of the summer sunsets until the end of October.
Have fun and don’t work too hard.
New Skiing Paintings will be upon the website in a few weeks
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