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Zermatt Ski Paintings and Ski Posters of the Matterhorn
If you are looking for a beautiful ski painting or ski poster of the Matterhorn and Zermatt you will enjoy the stunning Ski Art by Pete Caswell who paints the many ski resorts around Switzerland and the Alps.

Pete’s Ski Art from Zermatt is so popular that if was featured on the cult US Ski Magazine and made a two page centre page spread.
You can read more of Pete’s article and his ski paintings at the end of the post.

Ski Paintings and Ski Posters from Zermatt and the Matterhorn in Switzerland
Ski Paintings originals from Zermatt and the Matterhorn in Switzerland
You can also find a few paintings of the Zermatt Matterhorn from the Cervinia side available as ski prints and ski posters
The beautiful and historic Gornergrat railwayabove Zermatt and opposite the Matterhorn also features in many of the paintings.
If you choose to frame you vintage ski poster please check out the shipping info here to make sure you get local shipping.

Check out the latest feature of Pete’s Zermatt and the Matterhorn ski paintings in the most renowned of all mags for hard core skiers, The Ski Journal and featured on the front page.
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