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India Paintings from Meherabad & Meherazad, home of Meher Baba
India Paintings as Prints, canvases and Posters
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After nearly 15 years Pete has finally made part of his collection of India paintings available for sale as prints and some of the prized originals as now available for the first time ever.

Pete began his painting career many years ago in central India. While travelling the globe he set up temporary home in a place called Meherabad in central India. Borrowing the studio of a well know American artist during the hot afternoons he slowly learnt to paint with some wonderful help by the owner and resident artist. With his camera and paintbrush he started to capture the scenes in which he made his daily life full of life, colour, and vibrancy. The home of Meher Baba, an Indian Spiritual Master who had died in 1969. This place was not only soaked in the strong Indian sun bathing the scenes in deep rich vibrant colours but it was saturated by the immense spiritual presence and power of the Spiritual Master who had made this place home and hosted many of India’s most revered Saints.

This time in India, the light and the spiritual atmosphere, the artists and musicians drawn here were to shape the formative years of Pete’s birth as an artist. Many of the techniques he learnt and experimented with here you can find in his ski art and sunsets and of course in his India Paintings.

In the prints and originals for sale you can find extracts from his studies on the beautiful landscape of the vast Meherabad and Meherazad estate, the Samadhi, the tomb shrine of Meher Baba and of course studies of the Spiritual Masters face.

The study of Meher Baba’s face was profoundly influential on Pete’s art as he studied the movement and expressions of His face. After a vow of silence He was completely silent for most of his life only speaking through gestures and facial expressions leaving the language of Love to flow uninhibited.
You can see Pete’s Original Paintings for sale here as they are released. Original India Paintings for Sale
You can buy prints of the India Paintings here. India Paintings as Prints, canvases and Posters

One of my very special Energy Paintings which form the basis of my sunset paintings. This is a compilation of the entire set of Energy Paintings from India.

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