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Spiritual Love Poems Books
Spiritual Love Poems and Paintings have a lot in common. Art is just coloured oil on a piece of canvas until it is made and then it becomes a piece of love in art. The artist translates his feelings into the painting and when you view the painting it can trigger the same feelings back to the viewer.

My paintings are all about fun, love, beauty and happiness. If you distill the inner feelings which you chase through these sensations, you get Spiritual Love, then end product, the concentrated form of pure pleasure.

The Spiritual love poems in the books are riddles, poems and mind teasers which try to trick the mind out of the way so you can see a part of true spiritual love hidden within the poem, just like Rumi and Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. The paintings in the book and the Spiritual love poems act as the perfect compliments as they work in slightly different ways.

You can see the Spiritual Love Poem books for sale on and (see below for links for USA and Europe). The books are very beautiful, full of Spiritual Love Poems and colourful paintings. These poems originated from when I was painting and exhibiting my art in India. You can see more on thes Spiritual Love Poems books on another part of this web site
The Mincracker book is based more on Eastern Spiritual Philosophy and riddles. The Spiritual Love Poem book is more based on metaphors linking the great Oceans to the endless infinite expanse of God. Both books are full of colourful paintings and poems and are a great gift to add a splash of interest to the coffee table.
If you live in the UK then buy from If you live in the USA then buy from See links below.

See a preview of the book and the Spiritual Love Poems. Please note this is a low resolution version and only a small extract.
Spiritual Love Poems Book on for Europe & UK
Mind Cracker Book on for Europe & UK
Mind Cracker Book on for USA
Spiritual Love Poems Book on for USA

Currently in the pipe line is a hardback large book of special prints of all the best paintings of the last 4 years. This will go on sale towards the end of next year.
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