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An Enlightened Painting in India by Pete Caswell
Behind the cold success of Pete’s highly collectable Ski Paintings lie a intensity of energy from the heat of India.

Not many of the collectors of Pete’s cult Ski Paintings know about the origins of the ski and snowboard paintings from within the depths of the chaos, dust and heat of central India.

Having spent much of his life in India Pete took up painting in the studio of a famous American Artist who had emigrated to this most Spiritual of countries and lent him her studio and a few very apt lessons. Having sold house, home and business, Pete was living in India on and off with his wife and young daughter.

Much of the focus of the art was on the colours, the saturated colours, the spiritual, the chaos within the life and character of India. Settled on a large estate in the centre of the country Pete started his painting career with a study of a Spiritual Indian Master, Guru or Avatar who had given up speech to use only sign language to pass on his message. His face full of light and expression of words and wisdom became a study for many months and a steady stream of foreign tourists proved to be eager buyers helping to support this most Bohemian of lifestyles. Paintings sold off the easel, quite often before they were even finished let alone dry.

Many of the paintings in this collection emanate from this stay on the “Master’s” estate who had dropped his body in 1969 a most eminent year. A long study of His face, an even longer study of his Tomb of burial and the draw of pilgrims to the same spot proved an irresistible combination and endless source of patterns and colours so full of the vibrancy of life.

Pete studied the energy of these scenes and took to capturing the vibrancy and light within these scenes to canvas. This later developed into an entire collection where this intense energy of these places was distilled into his Indian Energy Collections which he later exhibited in India among his many adhoc exhibitions around the world. These will be the subject of the next blog article.

Many of the exhibitions in India were in the style of where he was painting, impromptu, informal, great fun and full of laughter and love. You could even get the odd cow or water buffalo graze by.

Pete’s studies of energy, spirituality colour and light in India through his paintings eventually led him to paint his other passions in life the high mountains and the high seas. Within these wonderful pieces are art are woven the techniques and energy in which his art flourished so beautifully in India. You might also like to read the post on the India Energy Paintings
You can buy Pete Caswell’s paintings as Originals or as Prints below
India Paintings as Prints Pete Caswell’s India Paintings as Prints here.
India Original Paintings currently for sale India Original Paintings for Sale
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